Justus Lackner

Justus started his chemistry studies in 2018 at the university of Innsbruck and completed his bachelor degree in the group of Prof. Kathrin Breuker in native top-down mass spectrometry of RNAs. After research stays at the university of Düsseldorf as well as the university of Jena he conducted his master thesis under guidance of Prof. Thomas Magauer and Prof. Nina Schützenmeister. Within his project he completed the total synthesis of natural occurring prostaglandins. For his PhD thesis Justus decided to join our group, where he is currently continuing his interest in total synthesis. Outside the lab Justus can most probably be found in nature, either hiking or trail-running. Beside that he is keen of botany and any kind of literature.

Email: justus.lackner[at]tu-dresden.de

Room CHE/ 148